Mini Bow
Mini Bow & Tiny Bow
You are confident and sure of yourself, aren’t you? You don’t need overly bulky and massive hardware to get the job done. In fact, you know that most people with such large hardware are usually overcompensating for an actual lack of something else. Well, that’s not you. Even with archery, you are practical and only use the essential and the minimal to accomplish your goals and hit your targets. That’s why you shoot with a mini bow. Sometimes also called a tiny bow. These cute and sometimes ridiculously small devices look the part and can perform admirably. Let’s explore the world of the tiny mini bow.
How to Make a Mini Bow
Just like their full-sized counterparts, mini bows can come in a variety of styles and can be made in multiple ways with varied materials. Some tiny bows are made in much the same way as their larger cousins, with the only difference being the amount and/or size of the material used.
Indeed if you do a thorough search online you will find tiny bows in all categories including, modern recurves, compounds, traditional selfbows as well as a plethora of Asiatic composite designs, such as Manchu, Turkish and Scythian, to name but a few.
Out of all the build possibilities out there, one of the simplest mini bow constructions is the popsicle stick bow and arrow. It’s a simple yet fun build that is great for children as an arts and craft project.
Here’s what you’ll need to get started:
- Popsicle sticks, craft sticks, or coffee stirrer sticks (they go by different names)
- Dental floss
- Cotton swabs (Q-Tips)
- Craft knife
- Scissors
- Bowl
- Cutting board
As you can see, the raw ingredients should not be difficult to procure.
Step 1 – Nocks :
We’ll start off by making the nocks on the bow arm ends. Simply and with care, make two small incisions on either side of the popsicle tips with your knife. Adults may perform this simple step for the children.
The cuts are made about 1/2 to 1/4 of an inch from the tip and they should not be very deep, about 1/8 to 1/16 of an inch should be enough. Removing any more material will compromise some of the integrity of the bow tips.
Making two small incisions about 1/16th of an inch apart and then cleaning out the material in between is a tried and tested method that works well.
Step 2 – Bow Forming :
Place the bow-to-be in a bowl of warm water for about an hour. This will make the bow bend easier for its first stringing experience.
Step 3 – The String :
While the bow is soaking in water, we might as well proceed to the next step which is making the string. The first thing you will do is cut a piece of dental floss to about 13 inches.
Then tie a slip knot onto one end. If you have no idea what a slip knot is or how to tie one don’t worry, they are easy. Check out the following links for tying a slip knot, they should be quite helpful.
Next, you will slip the loop of the slip-knotted end of the floss over one end of the mini bow and position it into the nocks. Firmly wrap the floss around the knock 3 times then tie a square knot to secure it in place. Once again, check out these resources for tying a square knot.
Next, slowly and gently bend the stick so that you are able to tie the other end of the string to the nocks on the other bow arm. Again, wrap the string around the nocks a few times and secure with another square knot. Allow the bow to dry for a few hours and that’s it! The bow is done!
You may choose to decorate the bow as your heart desires.
Step 4 – The Arrows :
The arrows are easy to prepare. Just cut off the one end of the Q-tips and you should be good to go. You could carefully cut a small nock into the one end of the arrow if you so choose but it is not entirely necessary.
Mini Compound Bow
So traditional is not quite your thing but you still want to go miniature? Don’t you worry! There is a great variety of manufacturers and hobbyists producing mini compound bows. They all look and feel the part, with fully functioning cams and sights just like on a full-size bow.
Check out some of the finds we’ve come across. We receive no financial kickbacks from the manufacturers we’re just sharing what we like.
Miniature WORKING compound bow: available on Etsy. CLICK HERE for more!
1:6 Scale Miniature Real Compound Bow. Available on Etsy. CLICK HERE for more!
Mini Compound Bow 220G Full Features. A nice find on eBay. Check it out by clicking HERE:
The Liberty 1. Mini compound bow with serious power. Made for hunting but I’m sure it’s also great fun. Check out their website here:
You may also want to check out the video review below!
Mini Recurve Bow
So the compounds are not for you. You want a mini bow but as a modern recurve. Once again, you need not worry. There are a few options available for you to purchase. Or perhaps you would want to create one for yourself?
Mini Recurve Bow & Arrow Set. This one looks the part. All the hardware, sights, riser, and bow limbs are rendered in great detail. Check it out by clicking HERE.
If you are inspired to create one yourself check out the video below!
Mini Horsebow
Several manufacturers of full-size models have developed some mini bows to test their building skills and also for the simple reason that these things are fun and people get a kick out of them. Check out a few that we’ve selected for this article below. Just make sure you are riding one of those miniature horses while shooting your mini horsebow.
The Tiny Bow from Alibow
Alibow, a traditional archery manufacturer based in China, has been crafting some fantastic traditional bows at a great value for several years now. Allegedly their tiny bow packs quite a punch. Check out their tiny bow by CLICKING HERE.
These bows may also be purchased from
Mini Bow – 3D Printed Files
My oh my, how far technology has come. For the longest time bows were made quietly by skilled craftsmen working long hours in workshops long forgotten by the world.
Well, that’s the past. Now we can just print them like we print a Word document. That’s right! The cost of 3D printers has come down dramatically in the past 5 years or so, making it widely available for any chump. Now let’s add these two awesome things together: (Mini bows) + (3D printer) = Awesome! Believe me, I’ve checked and re-checked the equation and it works out every time.
Over at, they have gone through the trouble of working out the details, and now all you have to do is download the printer files and fire up the oven. They have a nice selection of different bow models to choose from. Check them out below!
Mini Bow – Turkish
Mini Bow – Manchu
Mini Bow – Scythian
Thank you and take care! – CF, AH